Why in the world is there a WINGS link on my Ad Agency site? Well… I will pose that question again shortly… and I will answer it.
You’ll ENJOY this page… so make sure you keep reading and make sure you watch the videos below.
Before I explain this “WINGS” page though… take a look at the wings in the large background photo on this page.
They are naked.
Boring. Nothing special. Just there.
I look at struggling businesses the same way.
You have a business.
You have a really good product or service to offer.
YOU know you are good… but not enough prospective customers know just how good you really ARE.
A bare wing… is never going to be the most ordered on a menu. A bare wing will not survive …without the CREATIVE SAUCE and SEASONINGS!
I think you know what I’m tryin’ to say… right?
Ok.. back to the original question.
Why in the world is there a WING link on Rob’s Ad Agency website, you ask?
Well… you obviously don’t know me then!
If you did, you’d know that Chicken Wings are also a MAJOR passion of mine!
This next part? You may be skeptical and not want to believe me… but… I will provide you some video proof of what I’m about to proclaim…
Before you watch the first video… I will say what I’m about to say with the “UTMOST” confidence… void of ego… but based solely on what CHICKEN WING FANATICS all agree…
I make the most AMAZING, MIND BLOWING Chicken Wings on Planet Earth!
Says who?
Says EVERY contest I’ve entered… and I have won every one of them hands down… and so says well known celebrities and sports stars, along with the MANY Chicken Wing Addicts who’ve tried my wings and lost their MINDS over how PHENOMENAL they are!
But… before I lose you because you think a wing is a wing and mine can’t be THAT good… watch the video below… then I’ll continue to tell you how this all came about.
WingsBurgh Wings
That’s just a small sample. More very convincing videos below. How did this happen and where does it end?
Well… I LOVE to cook… and if I’m to believe what I’m told …I’m pretty good in the kitchen.
I’ve always loved hot and spicy food, and back in the early 90’s… I started experimenting with making different hot sauces.
Well… after much mixing and tasting and adding and subtracting
…I finally realized I had something REALLY good.
As luck would have it, a struggling restaurant contacted me because they heard that I may be able to help their business with some good advertising strategies.
In the interest of making a long story short, I suggested that we promote Chicken Wings… and use MY sauces… and the next thing you know, this place was voted BEST WINGS!
And… it was MY sauce and my method of making wings.
Once I saw the potential, I introduced my wings at another restaurant and the response was OVERWHELMING!
Why are my wings so “different” and why do wing lovers react as they do?
Well… if I gave up all of my secrets… I wouldn’t have anything that special!
What I can tell you is, I grow my own peppers and combine several ingredients that make absolutely SUCCULENT sauces.
I have many different varieties with differing heat levels. My VERY HOT wings are NOT like other ones out there that taste horrible and feel like you put a blow torch in your mouth!
My “HOT” wings have a FANTASTIC taste and are ENJOYABLE to eat… and the heat levels range from mild to insanely hot.
I have flavors that I have not been able to find out there ANYWHERE!
I have traveled to other states to find well known wing establishments. I’ve eaten wings all over the place… but yet… I’ve found nothing that even comes close to what I make.
There is a proper oil and a proper temperature in which to drop the wings and then a proper temperature to cook the wings and a proper way to administer the sauce.
When you bite one of my wings… you will get a delightful crunch… and a puff of steam… and then the flavor will AMAZE you!
I have a setup whereby I can take my “wing Show” on the road… and make hundreds of wings… anywhere… at any time.
I’ve won EVERY contest I’ve entered… and for YEARS people have been wondering WHY I don’t have a chain of restaurants?
Well… that day is coming soon!
STAY TUNED for more info to be announced!
For now… watch the video below and you’ll see just how real and sincere these people are in relation to their GENUINE LOVE for my wings.