And thus, the “Genesis of this page and my website.
You no doubt have noticed a “Light” theme so far. Therefore, I felt it only appropriate to start with the Bible verse above. The page is titled “Watt” drive me? (“watt”…”lightbulb…get it” ?)
I’m Rob… and I’m thankful for the light.
Watt drives me ?
Plain and simple ?
That’s an easy answer.
God does.
The Beautiful Mountains that God created !
Yep, God is the nucleus of my life and the driving force behind everything that I do. If you would have known me way back when… and someone would have told you that I would so easily and unashamedly and enthusiastically talk about God and my unshakable Faith at some point later in life, you would have laughed hysterically.
Those of you reading this who DID know me way back then… you understand !
The mere fact that I’m talking about God here on this page, will make some of you NOT want to read any further. But…if you are tempted to leave… let me offer this challenge.
Read this entire page. There is a reward for you if you do.
If you knew me, I have a hunch that you’d like me.
I say that based upon what friends and business associates say about me, as well as the reaction I get from new people I meet. I’m OUTGOING and POSITIVE ! I love to socialize and entertain. I think a COLD beer with a HOT Chicken wing is a good combo. I am PASSIONATE about helping solve the problems of others, and I am as personable and approachable as anyone you will meet. People say I am very ” Down To Earth “.
YOU are approaching me now…via this site. I THANK you for visiting and for your interest…and… I can’t WAIT to EXCEED your expectations !
But first things first.
You are here because you need help with your business. I’ll help you and my methods WILL WORK !
But give me the opportunity to thank and honor God first, because without HIM giving me the talent I am known for, I couldn’t help you !
With that said, God has PROVEN Himself to me, and if that happens to you, you’ll never forget it and you’ll never be the same.
It has happened to me…several times.
PROVEN himself to you, you ask ?
Yep…without a doubt.
I have NO doubt, that if I was hooked up to the best polygraph machines in the world, and asked by the most renowned polygraph examiners if I have been shown absolute PROOF from God that He is very real, and if I answered YES… and I would without hesitation…the polygraph examiners would say… “He’s telling the truth.”
I’m actually writing a book about this “proof ” … a book I’m told by qualified professionals who have read portions of it, should sell many, many copies and change many lives !
You can learn more about this in “The Book of Rob” link on the site.
Yes…I’m an Advertising Agency owner and a Marketing/Consulting guy.
That’s who and what you are looking for.
And I’m also a Christian, and it’s important to me that you know that.
I want you to know that you are dealing with an honest man, one who has morals and ethics, and one who knows the consequences of bad behavior.
I don’t make a point to tell you that I am a Christian man because I think that makes me better than you if you are not a Christian or if you don’t have as strong a faith as mine.
I am not better than you.
But, I have an inner peace that I WISH everyone could experience ! Again…I’m a businessman…an Advertising/Marketing/Branding guy… and I’m very good at what I do.
But if you don’t understand or “get” this God thing…please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you may have. I LOVE bringing people closer to God.
I am DRIVEN to do so as many times as given the opportunity.
You are at this site because you are looking to make your business more profitable and recognizable.
I can easily make that happen. I have over 35 years of Proven Success stories we can discuss, but if you are perplexed or confused or simply have any questions about God or Faith, I am MORE than happy to discuss this with you prior to discussing business if you’d like, because I honestly believe that your relationship with God should have more importance than your profit margin.
Give God some of what HE wants from you, and He will BLOW YOUR mind with what He will give you in return !
Well…for those of you who are still reading… THANK YOU and KUDO’s to you for not being offended !”
Ok…so “watt” else drives me ? The THANKYOU letters and emails I get from my once “skeptical” prospective clients, who became my ECSTATIC SUCCESS STORIES!
Thanks Rob !
I LOVE what I do.
I get paid to use my brain.
When YOUR business becomes more recognizable and PROFITABLE due to the ideas and strategies that originated in my cranium…well…that
I am driven by YOUR success!
More about this on the Illuminating Offerings link, which you should go to once you are done with this page.
Watt else drives me ??
Hemlock trees and MOUNTAINS and streams… well… they SOOTH me and calm me, and allow me to concentrate on creativity.
Being outdoors often times inspires those “Light Bulb Moments” …and when the ideas start flowing, the “Lightbulb” goes off and I realize I have come up with something VERY good !
I’m an avid outdoorsman and I spend as much time as possible in the Mountains or woods or in the middle of a trout stream, outsmarting the trout.
I’ve come up with many great ideas for my clients, while standing in the middle of the pristine trout streams I am drawn to…or in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. I LOVE the mountians…and yes…they MOTIVATE me…thus… Mountain Motivated marketing !
Motivating others is also something else that drives me. I’ve given many seminars and speeches over the years.
Knowing that my words have helped improve the quality of life in others, well…yes…that drives me !
I am driven to better the lives of those around me.
If you are here looking for a SIGNIFICANT boost in the bottom line of your business, I can help you in many different areas.
Again…more about this on the Illuminating Offerings page which you should go to next.
But before you do, let me finish this page by thanking you for reading up to this point.
The text on a website IS IMPORTANT !
You are here…because you are looking to BETTER YOUR BUSINESS !
This is a HUGE decision.
If…IFyou read all of the text on the Illuminating offerings page and other pages of this site, I truly believe that you will have a strong desire to reach out to me and feel compelled to do business with me. When that happens, allow that feeling to propel you to take that next step and contact me. At the very least, we’ll have an informative chat !
How do I know this? Just trust me on this.
My approach is different. But…different WORKS!
I am NOT going to offer you generic, dull, boring, non responsive strategies.
As the video on the homepage states, MY CLIENTS will tell you that they trusted me…are glad they did…and…I will gladly share their stories with you once we meet.
The reward I mentioned earlier ?
Well…again…thanks for being open-minded enough and patient enough to read this entire page.
Let me be about as real as I can be right now.
I wear nice suits and ties and hob nob with Corporate America Monday through Friday.
For now though, as you are reading thing…allow me to be that down to earth guy with a pair of jeans on, or my waders while fishing in the trout stream…you standing next to me… allowing me to teach you how to catch trout.
I’m a very accomplished trout fisherman, and I have the videos and countless fishermen witnesses to back it up.
I can teach you how to catch lots of trout.
That is…IF…you listen to me and follow my instructions.
It’s the same with this decision you are making now. You know your business needs help.
You WANT to make more money and be more recognizable and relevant. You want your Advertising and Marketing strategies to enable you to worry LESS because the strategies are driving MORE business your way!
Your reward ?
All you have to do…is respond. Simply read…digest…THINK about how easy I am making it seem…and simply respond to me.
Your reward comes when you listen to my ideas, and allow me to put them to WORK FOR YOU!
We all sit back and dream…and wonder…what if?
That’s where you are right now.
You are wondering…”Can this Rob guy really make my business more successful”?
Can he REALLY give me an exciting NEW IDENTITY ? Can he REALLY provide me a much better website than the one I have now which will result in new business ?
Can he REALLY get me found on the search engines when others couldn’t?
Can he REALLY create an exciting Ad Campaign for me and get me on TV and radio with a RESULTS ORIENTED OUTCOME?
Can he really train my sales staff to close more deals ?
Can he REALLY MOTIVATE me to do better?
Think about this.
“You’ll NEVER discover NEW oceans…unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
If you’ve tried advertising and marketing before…and because it didn’t work, you think advertising doesn’t work… well… you haven’t tried my proven strategies.
There are lots of wannabes out there and lots of people and companies who push the same dull and boring “stuff”.
I am NOT one of “them”. I am ORIGINAL. I am UNIQUE. I am PROVEN.
I got you to read this entire page… didn’t I???
Well… you normally don’t read this much text… do you?!!
That’s cuz I know what I’m doing!
LOSE sight of the shore… and discover NEW OCEANS!!
You sending me an email saying…
“Ok, Rob… I’m ready to try something new…”?
THAT drives me… and I can ASSURE you that you will not waste your time or money!
There’s more on the Illuminating Offerings page. Go there now… then look through the rest of the site… then simply do the EASIEST of tasks… and RESPOND to me!
Do it now… before you leave this site, while the dream of “Better and More” is fresh on your mind.
If you WANT something… you need to ask for it and GO GET IT!
If you DON’T go after what you want… you will NEVER have it!
If you don’t ASK… the answer will always be NO.
If you don’t step forward… you’ll always be in the same place.
Time for that nonsense to stop… dont’cha think?
I’m ready to bring that positive CHANGE to you and your business… and I’m looking forward to EXCEEDING your expectations!